How big data analytics drives competitive advantage

Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Another look at big data
  3. Insight as a Service
  4. Combating the big data analytic skills shortage
  5. Conclusions
  6. About Benjamin S. Woo

1. Summary

In these lean and mean times, enterprises are turning to third-party specialists in the big data analytics industry to help them find the proverbial needle in the data haystack. After all, few companies have the time or the analytics expertise to apply statistics and complex data modeling to regular or even daily business decisions and operations. In addition, people who really know what they are doing when it comes to data analytics are in short supply. A company can try to hire as many data scientists as possible, but chances are that Facebook or Google got them first. Another option is plugging in outside expertise as it’s needed, but that’s a costly route to travel.

Now, however, an ecosystem of big data analytics companies is emerging to fill this need. This research paper will examine the evolving big data analytics market and ecosystem and the avenues available to those businesses seeking insight gathered from big data analysis, or what is often called “Insight as a Service.”

Key points examined in this report include:

  • Big data as a differentiator to traditional enterprise data warehouses (EDW)
  • Insight as the key to unlocking the power of the data and information within an enterprise
  • How an enterprise can combat the shortage of big data analytic skills
  • The value of actionable analytics
  • How emerging big data analytics stores or marketplaces empower business decision makers to make better decisions more quickly
  • How Insight as a Service enables end users to leverage the cloud for insight-driven analyses while improving the time-to-sight model