10 ways big data changes everything

Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Can gigabytes predict the next Lady Gaga?
    1. Beat of big data
  3. How big data can curb the world’s energy consumption
    1. Opower’s big data plan
    2. Big data for energy sensors
    3. Why big data about energy is important
  4. Big data is now your company’s virtual assistant
  5. The future of Foursquare is data-fueled recommendations
    1. Next-gen recommendations
    2. You and your peers
    3. Data growth
  6. How Twitter data-tracked cholera in Haiti
  7. Revolutionizing Web publishing with big data
  8. Can cell phone data cure society’s ills?
    1. People as particles
    2. The big picture
  9. How data can help predict and create video hits
    1. Short-circuiting the pilot process
    2. Bringing shows back from the dead
    3. From online retailer to online cable substitute
    4. Finding the right audience
  10. The new face of data visualization: the iPad
    1. Interactive charts with a few swipes of the finger
    2. Mobilized workforce requires a mobile approach to data
    3. The iPad enterprise
  11. One hospital’s embrace of big data
    1. Mission possible?
    2. Three big buckets of data
  12. About the authors

1. Summary

A yottabyte isn’t what happens when the Jedi master starts gnawing on your leg. It’s the information equivalent of one quadrillion gigabytes and it is enough data to fill the states of Delaware and Rhode Island with a million data centers, according to BackBlaze. While the world hasn’t yet seen many yottabytes, industries like Internet search, genomics, climate research and business analytics are starting to create massive data sets — in the petabyte and exabyte range — that are requiring an entirely new set of big data tools to manage.

The emergence of this so-called big data phenomenon is also fundamentally changing everything from the way companies operate to the way people interact to how the world deals with outbreaks of infectious diseases. On March 21 and 22, GigaOM is throwing an event about the future of this big data ecosystem in New York, and for the occasion, we have highlighted 10 case studies illustrating how big data is changing the world.