Tag: kids fishing events

Happy New Years to all, and may the new year bring lots…

Happy New Years to all, and may the new year bring lots…

Happy New Years to all, and may the new year bring lots of big fish to everyone.
God bless be safe and remember don’t drink and drive tonight or ever, be responsible and have a designated driver or take a cab.

 Fishing Ohio
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The Columbus Fishing Expo February 12, 13, & 14 at the Ohio Expo Center 2016 http://columbusfishingexpo.com/

Fishing Ohio shared Fishing World’s video.

Fishing Ohio shared Fishing World’s video.

Fishing Ohio shared Fishing World’s video.

Fishing World
A 6-year-old boy earned second place in a South Jersey fishing competition as well as Internet fame after he was caught on video reeling in an enormous bass.

 Fishing Ohio
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The Columbus Fishing Expo February 12, 13, & 14 at the Ohio Expo Center 2016 http://columbusfishingexpo.com/